Employee Spotlight: Brea Wrzesinski

Brea Wrzesinski

Job title:

Administrative Assistant


Years at ABW:

1 year, 8 months


What do you enjoy about your job?

I really like my employer. They’re good people quite honestly.


Do you have a favorite TV show?

I do not generally watch a whole lot of television (I do not have any form of cable, or internet, actually). I love movies though—generally either movies based on true stories, otherwise comedy.


What music do you like?

I listen to all genres of music. It depends on what kind of mood I am in that day. I grew up on classic country. 


Do you have a favorite sport?

I prefer watching endurocross, motorcross. I’m looking forward to hopefully heading back to the Motocross Championship, held in Las Vegas!


If I’m not at work, I’m probably...

stuyding. I’m currently studying Anatomy & Physiology, as well as Kinesiology. I’ve really gotten into health and wellness. The human body is fascinating and it’s important you do what you can to take care of yourself. I’m able to apply what I’ve learned so far in Kinesiology when I work out. It’s by far one of the coolest experiences, actually.


I just can’t live without my...

My “son.” He’s about a foot tall, weighs in at roughly 10.6 lbs, is su- per furry and his name is Maximum Wade. My other half too—he’s my best friend, my biggest supporter, and he’s a pretty cool guy.


Something you may not know about me is...

I am such a nerd for go-kart “races.” I’m so competitive; my second home is Traxx, Mukilteo Speedway.


My favorite ice cream flavour is...

I love ice cream in general! Definitely the non-dairy Ben & Jerry’s Pb & Cookie with extra JIF.


If I had a time machine for a day, I would...

love to forever be that little girl who was daddy’s little shotgun rider. My parents lived states away from each other. I grew up in Helena, Montana and would take constant road trips with my father back and forth throughout the year, taking in the scenery listening to country.


The car I learned to drive on was a...

1990 Toyota—the one truck I wish I never would have parted with. It was a beauty.


The best present that I’ve ever received was a...

Honda ATC 110 

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